First there was an idea,
then there was a plan
and soon there will be a sketching workshop
that will never end
and will be free forever…

The Never Ending Workshop is a workshop for urban sketchers and all other sketchers to bring their sketching to the next level: step by step, sketch by sketch. This free-forever workshop will start the last weekend of May 2020.

I will be adding new lessons and you can start the workshop any time. When you will have completed the latest lesson, that will not be the end of the workshop. You will be notified each time when a new lesson will be added. Isn’t it great that you do not have to be disappointed that the workshop has come to an end? Because this one never ends!

The lessons will contain videos, text and downloads that will help you to develop your sketching skills. You can comment to and ask questions within each lesson. I will give you feedback to each lesson, if you wish. You can also interact with fellow sketchers, but perhaps you only want to watch the lessons and don’t want interaction. You decide.

Sign up for my newsletter and you will be the first to learn when the first lesson will go online and the workshop will be open for registration. This is going to happen before the 1st of June. I am rounding off the preparations and I look forward to seeing you in ‘The Never Ending Workshop’.

Happy sketching!